12 million Ukrainians lack access to medicine and food

Providing medicines and food supplies to those in need around Ukraine directly from hand to hand

In Need,


In Disease,


In Danger,


We are appealing to you on behalf of the whole Ukrainian nation. The hostile Putin regime has been savagely bombing our country, destroying cities, infrastructure, telecommunication, and other important object that support the life of 40 million people. We are literally on the brink of survival. But still alive. Here, in Ukraine, we are even out of stock of the vital simple necessities, addressing you with the plea:

We are serving millions of people all over the Ukraine

You Can Help Change a Life

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This is Your Moment to Make a World of Difference


When you give to those in need,  you provide people with medicine to change or save lives.

Corporate Pharma & Charities

We help companies and foreign charities to make an impactful targeted social contribution


Funds & Financial organizations

Take part in the construction of cities for displaced persons and refugees

Your gifts make our mission possible. Change a life today.

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Your generous, tax deductible donation will change the lives of over 12 million injured affected people. Right now, millions are living through a destroying war and your gift will help us provide food, medical care and emergency support services to people whose lives are shattered by conflict in Ukraine

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The need is great. YOU can help!
Someone’s journey to life-changing medicine starts with you today.